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2016-12-01 14:47     (点击: )


担任Journal of Fish BiologyComparative Biochemistry and PhysiologyAquacultureJournal of Thermal BiologyAquaculture ReportsJournal of Ecohydraulics、重庆师范大学学报等期刊编委。兼任国际动物学会生理生态专家组成员、中国动物学会生理生态学专委会副主任委员、中国生态学会种群生态专业委员会委员、中国动物学会鱼类学分会理事、中国海洋湖沼学会养殖生态学分会常务理事、中国大坝学会过鱼设施专业委员会委员、中国野生动物保护协会科学技术委员会委员、重庆市生态学会理事长、重庆市动物学会副理事长。

获国家自然科学基金项目4项、重庆市自然科学基金等省部级项目12项。已发表学术论文240余篇(其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文120余篇)。代表性工作多发表在生态和生物科学的专业权威期刊如Functional EcologyOecologiaJournal of Evolutionary BiologyJournal of Experimental BiologyAnimal Cognition,其他多数工作也发表在水产或比较生理领域的权威期刊如AquacultureJournal of Fish BiologyFish Biochemistry and PhysiologyMolecular Ecology ResourcesJournal of Comparative PhysiologyComparative Biochemistry and PhysiologyPhysiological and Biochemical Zoology等。主持撰写了我国第一部关于鱼类游泳运动的专著《鱼类的游泳运动-策略和适应性进化》,为我国鱼类游泳运动的发展起到重要的推动作用。同时,研究过程中还通过自主设计实验设备获得国家授权专利17项。




E-mail: shijianfu9@hotmail.com联系电话023-65910701

1. 工作经历

20012004 中科院水生所攻读水生生物学专业博士生,获理学博士学位;

2004至今  重庆师范大学任教;

2005    破格晋升副教授;

2007    破格晋升教授;

20082009 加拿大女皇大学访问学者;

2012至今 重庆大学兼职教授(博士生导师);

2021至今  重庆师范大学博士生导师。

2. 科研项目(节选)

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32370509):鱼类能量代谢策略的生态关联及其生境依赖性(2024-202750万);

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670418):鱼类“个性”分化研究-代谢限制及生态关联的环境依赖性(2017-202062万);

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31172096):鱼类对环境溶氧反应规范进化的限制与权衡(2012-201563万);

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(30700087):鱼类代谢类型、竞争机制模式和生态习性相互关系的研究(2008-201017万);

  5. 重庆市自然科学重点项目(cstc2013jjB20003):鱼类对三峡成库后水流动态改变的形态、生理和行为适应(2013-201520万);

  6. 重庆市高校首届优秀人才支持计划:三峡库区鱼类对环境变化的生理生态响应机制(2009-101020万);

  7. 国务院三峡办库区生态与生物多样性保护专项项目:重庆库区重要支流水生生境状况调查与评估等课题研究(2015-201740万)。

3. 代表性论文

  1. Fu SJ*, Zhang N, Fan J. 2024. Personality and cognition: shoal size discrimination performance is related to boldness and sociability among ten freshwater fish species. Animal Cognition, 27: 6.

  2. Zhang YF, Luo YL, Huang KF, Liu QY, Fu C, Pang X, Fu SJ*. 2024. Constraints of digestion on swimming performance and stress tolerance vary with habitat in freshwater fish species. Integrative Zoology, https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12807.

  3. Fu SJ, Dong YW, Killen SS. 2022. Aerobic scope in fishes with different lifestyles and across habitats: Trade-offs among hypoxia tolerance, swimming performance and digestion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 272: 111277.

  4. Pang X, Shao F, Ding SH, Fu SJ*, Zhang YG*. 2020. Interspecific differences and ecological correlations of energy metabolism traits in freshwater fishes. Functional Ecology, 34: 616-630.

  5. Bai Y, Tang ZH, Fu SJ*. 2019. Numerical ability in fish species: preference between shoals of different sizes varies among singletons, conspecifc dyads and heterospecifc dyads. Animal Cognition, 22: 133-143.

  6. Xiong W, Yi LC, Tang ZH, Zhao X, Fu SJ*. 2018. Quantity discrimination in fish species: fish use non-numerical continuous quantity traits to select shoals. Animal Cognition, 21: 813-820.

  7. Killen SS*, Fu C, Wu QY, Wang YX, Fu SJ*. 2016. The relationship between metabolic rate and sociability is altered by food deprivation. Functional Ecology, 30: 1358-1365.

  8. Fu SJ*, Fu C, Yan GJ, Cao ZD, Zhang AJ, Pang X. 2014. Interspecific variation in hypoxia tolerance, swimming performance and plasticity in cyprinids that prefer different habitats. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 590-597.

  9. Fu SJ*, Cao ZD, Yan GJ, Fu C, Pang X. 2013. Integrating environmental variation, predation pressure, phenotypic plasticity and locomotor performance. Oecologia, 173: 343-354.

  10. Yan GJ, He XK, Cao ZD, Fu SJ*. 2013. An interspecific comparison between morphology and swimming performance in cyprinids. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26: 1802-1815.

  11. Fu C, Cao ZD, Fu SJ*. 2013. The effects of caudal fin loss and regeneration on swimming performance in three cyprinid fish species with different fish species with different swimming capacity. Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 3164-3174.

  12. Fu SJ*, Brauner CJ, Cao ZD, et al. 2011. The effect of acclimation to hypoxia and sustained exercise on subsequent hypoxia tolerance and swimming performance in goldfish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214: 2080-2088.

  13. Fu SJ*, Zeng LQ, Li XM, et al. 2009. The behavioral, digestive and metabolic strategies in four fishes with different foraging behavior. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212: 2296-2302.



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